The young toddler room at Lakewood Child Care Center offers a flexible, creative environment for children, with open-ended opportunities for exploration and play. Children in this age group learn by doing; they need to be challenged without being frustrated or overwhelmed. Children move to the young toddler room around 14 months of age when they are walking, sitting at the table for meals, and using a spoon.

The teachers plan and implement an age-appropriate, hands-on and fun curriculum to help our little ones grow and develop mentally, emotionally, and socially. Our young toddler classroom is a busy, language-rich, and nurturing environment.

A photo of one wall of the Lakewood Child Care Center, with a sink/stove and science table.

Teachers Who Care for Our Younger Toddlers

Tuition, Rates and Financial Aid

A boy in the Lakewood Child Care Center younger toddler classroom sits near a pile of blocks

Young Toddler Blog

Gardening Fun!

This week’s theme was gardening. In language development, we read various books, talked about gardening tools and things people grow in gardens, used markers on vegetable cutouts, and colored with different shades of green. In cognitive development, we counted and sorted vegetable and fruit counters, wrote in mud, placed ladybug backs on pegs, and placed…


This week’s theme was mothers. In language development this week, we read various books about mothers, wrote on the letter M, created placemats, and wrote on boogie boards. In cognitive development this week, we identified different moms on cards, matched moms to one another, sorted flowers, and did a walking water science experiment. In motor…

Circus Fun!

This week’s theme was circus! In language development this week, we colored on a “C” for circus, wrote on magnetic writing boards, wrote upside down on a poster board that was taped underneath a table, and wrote on clipboards with pencils. In cognitive development this week, we sorted different circus cut outs, matched different clown…

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